Wednesday, March 7, 2012

VRay Modern Interior (Temporarily) completed

I have gotten far enough in my project that I am happy with it (for now). I plan on coming back and revising it at a later point, however, I feel it is time to work on something else.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Further VRay Work in progress

So I have done a little further work on the Interior with VRay rendering. Here is it coming along more:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

V-Ray Rendering

So after a long stint of not posting anything for a long time, I figured I should get my work back up there. So here are the first renderings of a Work in Progress of a room I'm making in 3DS Max, using V-Ray rendering.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Tim Prata's all new Design

Hello Everyone,

So I have decided that it is time for a whole new world revamp. If you have previously been checking out my old blogspot, stop! Now this is where I will be updating my materials. Now for those of you who have just tuned in, thank you. I am currently working on my website with a few ideas of how to revamp it (actually I have it completely laid out, I just need it to be put to use. Until then, I will be posting here.

My Work in Progress Blog is:

My (non-functioning) website, right now, however, is:

I don't advise checking it right now as it looks ugly, and incomplete. so a recent little life change has occurred for me. Within the last month I have been laid off from a job, phone interviewed twice, in person interviewed twice, learned two brand new programs (Autodesk Maya and Cinema 4D) I have sent out countless resumes, portfolios and etc. I have been offered a position with the Quality Assurance Team at Turbine (the great company that makes Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons and Dragons Online)!

Wish me luck in my endeavors and I WILL be updating this soon with some images, some videos, some great work and links to my soon to be updated website!